Test your plugin locally

  1. Install deno
  2. Within the folder you created for your pluginCreate your own plugin1. Fork this repository 1. Create a folder to plugins/community in your fork. Use dashes to seperate words when naming this folder. 1. In the folder you created, add a file index.ts 1. Create a function within index.ts to that takes in the Request as a parameter and returns a Response. For example: export default (request: Request) : Response => { var exampleNote = { "note": { "title": "new title" "content": "new content", "source": "new source", } } return new R, create a file called webserver.ts and add the following lines to it.
import { serve } from "https://deno.land/std@0.155.0/http/server.ts";
import myPlugin from "./index.ts"
  1. Now run the deno command to start the webserver
deno run --allow-all webserver.ts
  1. Once the webserver is up and running go to http://localhost:8000 to call the function you created in index.ts
  2. Here is an example curl request to get you started
curl -d '{"metadata":"some metadata", "note":{"title":"title","content":"content","source":"source"}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8000/

See plugins/community/example as an example